Theme of Use

Basic Policy

This website is operated and managed to provide information that will lead to a broader, deeper understanding of the activities of Hirakawa Corporation and Hirakawa Group companies.


The information on this website belongs to parties including Hirakawa Corporation and is protected by copyright law and other laws. Usage exceeding the personal uses described in copyright law or the scope clearly recognized in other laws without the permission of Hirakawa Corporation or another copyright holder (including duplication, quotation, alteration, publication, transmission, distribution and sale) is prohibited.

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All information and URLs posted on this website are subject to change or deletion without notice.

Media Usage

We ask that you contact us here in advance if you wish to print or reprint this website or information on this website in the media.


If you have any recommendations or ideas regarding this website or our company, or any other comments or questions, please contact us here
Please note that while we will do our best to respond, depending on the nature of your inquiry, we may not be able to in some instances.