Message from the PresidentMessage from the President

To a Company that Creates Richness of the Mind

Confronted with an unprecedented pandemic, the world in 2021 is exploring past changes in society as well as those that will present themselves in the future. Even after we, human beings, overcome this pandemic, the world is going to change and evolve endlessly.

Digital transformation (DX) and diversity. DX reduces waste and inconvenience and leads to creation of a more convenient and efficient society. Diversity brings about unconceived innovation through deeper mutual understanding of differences. These will further accelerate change in our values by serving as important drivers for creating a sustainable society.

Message from the PresidentMessage from the President

True richness is not only physical abundance but also richness in spirit based on human values. The richness we strive for involves:
①Expanding a circle of people who trust and help each other.
②Devoting ourselves to our work – our contribution to society – for the sake of the world.
③Obtaining greater freedom through self-help and self-reliance.

Self-help produces personal growth through self-improvement.
Self-reliance comes from a deep understanding of our mutual dependence on others.
Freedom is the degree of trust we receive from others.

Hirakawa Group operates on the frontline of an ever-changing society in order to create richness. By remaining at the forefront, making decisions and taking action to grow our existing businesses and venture into new businesses, we will continue to contribute to society as a company that creates richness. I invite you to expect much from us.

Haruki Hirakawa
President & CEO