Message from the President


To a company that create richness of the mind.To a company that create richness of the mind.

Our mission is to help foster and nurture a society that is rich in spirit.


On the front line

There is a future that is only brought into view by bravely attempting new things.
With that frontier spirit ever in our hearts, we will stand on the frontline and open up that new future.


  • Faithful
  • Sincere
  • Speedy
  • Focus
  • Strong
  • Challenge
  • Flexible
  • Fun
  • Respect
  • Responsible
  • Creative
  • Reliable
  • United


HIRAKAWA Corporation

This symbol represents our mission- and vision-based spirit. Seeking to be like an advancing fleet full of frontier spirit, we have drawn the ‘H’ of Hirakawa as a flag blowing in the wind, which represents our solidarity in setting sail in our chosen direction.